Israel welcomes UNGA Resolution on Holocaust Denial

Israel welcomes UNGA Resolution on Holocaust Denial

    The resolution was passed by consensus in the UN General Assembly.

    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the passage of the UNGA resolution (26 January) condemning Holocaust denial. The resolution condemns and rejects any attempt to deny that the Holocaust was an historical event and calls on all states to reject Holocaust denial of any kind.

    The resolution was passed by consensus, as 103 states took upon themselves to be the main sponsors of the resolution.

    In recent weeks Israel, through its missions all over the world, has worked together with a central bloc of states to promote adoption of the resolution. The resolution reflects the special importance with which the international community views the subject, especially considering the worrying phenomenon of denial that has cropped up lately, and provides a strong answer to the message of the President of Iran and the Teheran Holocaust Conference.

    This resolution was adopted on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, 27 January, a day set by an historic UN General Assembly resolution proposed by Israel in November 2005. According to this resolution, International Holocaust Remembrance Day will be marked at all UN offices throughout the world and in many countries as well, through ceremonies and various events.

    The Secretary General of the United Nations issued a statement saying that the Holocaust was a unique tragedy that cannot be denied. He came out against those who claim that the Holocaust never happened or that its scale was exaggerated.